Saying THANK YOU to your Customers.

Thank you for shopping with us.” It isn’t just a slogan for plastic shopping bags, it’s a real feeling you have toward your customers. As business owners, we thank our customers in a lot of ways, but few are as personal as an actual thank-you note. And people appreciate them even more than we think.


Here are a few of our tips, best practices, and even mediums for those “thank you for your business” letters.

How to Say Thank You

“Thank you SOOOO much.”
“We appreciate the support.”

There are a lot of ways to say thank you, and some are better than others. In order to sound as thankful as you are, your thank you should be sincere, warm, and personalized.

Sound Sincere & Convey Warmth

Even though you may be genuinely thankful, a bad thank-you message can come across as insincere. Short and curt? Insincere. Long and flowery? Insincere.

Sounding as sincere as you feel is more of an art than a science. But there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

Length: Typically, a few sentences or a paragraph is long enough. Much more than that will likely go unread, and less than that could seem impersonal.

Language: Keep your language conversational rather than overly formal. Avoid using cliches (e.g., we think you’re the cat’s meow!), flowery language (we’re sooooo thankful for your purchase, it means the world to us!), or over-using words like “sincerely.”

Personality: This goes with keeping your language conversational. Insert your personality into your thank you notes. It makes the message seem more personal and gives your brand a little more identity. Don’t be afraid to throw in some humor (as appropriate).

Physical Cards

Thank you emails are always appreciated, but there’s something extra special about getting a physical thank-you card.
Thank-you cards don’t have to be fancy. They can be as simple as a blank postcard with your logo or a basic “thank you” design on one side and a handwritten note on the other.

While you can send these thank-you cards separately from any product you’re shipping, you can also drop a thank-you card into your package. A simple note that says, “Thanks so much, we hope you enjoy your new headband!” is a reminder that your package was packed by people who care about their customers.

Companies like Vistaprint make it easy and affordable to buy branded thank- you cards in any quantity. For the sake of personalization, we do recommend that you hand write the message itself. If you’re feeling stuck on what to write, any of the examples in the email section would work great with physical cards, too.

Thank You Notes Make Customers Happier Than You Think

According to a recent study, senders of thank-you notes consistently underestimate how happy recipients are to receive those notes. Senders of thank-you notes in at the University of Texas at Austin thought that these letters would seem insincere or would make recipients feel awkward.

In actuality, the letters made those who got them felt “ecstatic.” The study also showed that the letters took less than five minutes to write, on average. It also showed that recipients cared less about the exact language of the letter. What really mattered was the warmth.

Try today say thank you to your customers and let us know your feedback :)

CrystalDust Blog ✨




  • Super orgulloso de esta marca que ha crecido genuina y orgánicamente. Cada persona que forme parte de este movimiento crystaldust esta literalmente bendecido. Love!


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